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Types of Practitioners


It's important to note that each and every witch is different from the next.  There are just as many types of witches, as there are witches.  Each is unique in the ways of the craft. 

The dictionary definition of a practice is the customary, habitual, or expected procedure or way of doing of something or to perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to improve or maintain one's proficiency.

Practices can look like what ever you want it to.  The whole point is to create habits and rituals that better ourselves in our skills and self development.  For example, someone who considers themselves a green witch (meaning they primarily work with plants) their practice may involve a regularly done routine of harvesting and gathering herbs to make potions and teas that assist with health or some day to day tasks alongside the maintenance and care given to the plants and trees around them. 
There are non Wiccan practitioners that follow folk traditions which vary depending on the area, country, traditions, etc.  Much folk magick is passed down through generations teachings. However, in recent years has become much more accessible to the general public through books, websites, YouTube channels, etc. 

There are Wiccan practitioners that follow religious guidelines in which involve magickal workings within the traditions, rituals and customs.  Most Wiccan traditions usually involve the worship of a Goddess, and/or God.  There are also some who have interesting mixes of folk practices and religious beliefs and traditions.  I myself, am a non-theistic Wiccan which means I'm secular in my practice (Instead of working with supernatural deities, I work with symbolic representations of the aspects from my own human nature).

There are many eclectic magickal practitioners and eclectic religious practices. In these cases, a person borrows from multiple sources to construct a new, personal practice that personally speaks to them specifically. 

There are also chaos magickal practitioners who never develops a personalized practice. In this case, what applied yesterday may be irrelevant today - All that matters today is what is used today. 

Eclectic and Chaos practitioners are never confined by the concept of tradition. 

As much as there are these and many more "lables" for types of witches this doesn't actually matter! Try to setup a practice that is personally meaningful and spiritually satisfying to you.  If you see a ritual or spell described here or on please feel free to change and manipulate the workings so that it personally fits best with your own associations and intentions.  What works for me may not work for you in the same ways, and vice versa. We all have our own experiences in life which gives us all different associations. No matter what your path is in the craft, we can all do similar magick in our own ways. 

Research and Experience are really key to helping any practitioner of magick to figure out what would most likely be useful and work best for them.  

Find what speaks to you!


Examples of practices:


Different realms of my craft personally, as example:


More about myself as example of personal practices & traditions:

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