Responses to the questions
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Blog Posts (126)
- What is a Grey Witch?
Ask a Grey Witch was a guest on the Witches of Eastview! This live broadcast was recorded the evening of April 13th, 2023. Aurora Moon and Bryan Stafford discuss being witches, the difference between their individual practices and answer questions submitted in the chat during the recording. Grey: An ill-defined topic, situation or area of activity not readily conforming to a category or set of rules. Grey Witch: Working within the "Grey Areas" of Witchcraft and finding balance. Stay tuned for more great collaborations between these channels soon to come. Thank you to Aurora Moon for inviting me to join you for this interesting conversation. If you have any questions, please feel free to submit them at www.AskaGreyWitch.com Thank you to YOU for viewing this video and for visiting my blog!
- Making money from spellwork
Submitted questions covered in this blog/video: "Do you make money from doing spells?" There are two different ways that I can think of in which to address this question -- thank you for btw! One way that I have technically made money from spell work (from my perspective) is by achieving manifestations. Such as spell work to succeed financially or assisting with mundane actions through out life tasks and objectives. For example, when I was much younger, I manifested the house and home that I wanted to live in and did live in years later, and still do to this day. As mentioned in this more recent blog entry: https://www.askagreywitch.com/post/manifestation-explained A Manifestation explained. I couldn't have achieved it without the hard work and dedication I put in that was required in order to follow through with the manifested steps laid out before me. Like, the pieces all came together at just the right moments for it to have happened successfully. It has been heard work and much of that involved money of course. Money and prosperity spells have also been instrumental in my life when cash was/is needed. In the video, I thought I'd share an example of a simple candle money spell that I do. It can be done to bring money to you and secure your finances. A money and prosperity spell: One way that I like to 'make money' from magick is to manifest income and balancing and protection of my finances. For this spell, you will need: a fire proof dish, a green candle, and some change. Use coins of different denominations to encourage all sorts of income. Herbs I will use in this spell are rosemary, cloves, and bay leaves. Should be set aside for later use in the spell. Be sure to charge each herb with intension before using in the spell, rosemary for positivity, cloves for protection, and bay for money. Start by charging the green candle, working from the center of the candle outwards towards the end of the candle. Herb infusions can be made ahead of time and used in this spell as well by dressing the candle with the oil while charging it with intention. To make an infusion, submerge herb in a base oil, like grape seed, or olive, and allow to soak for a period of time until oil is well infused with the herb. I have decided to add a peppermint infusion to my candle with intention to promote prosperity within the workings of this spell. Oil is always applied to candles starting at the center and working the oil outwards towards the ends, similar to charging with energy. I purchased oil dispensers for my infusions. However, can be applied directly to the candle with your fingers. Be sure that the type of oil used will not harm your skin if using your fingers. Herbs that can cause irritation are Jasmin, Oregano, Lemon Grass, Cinnamon bark, Peppermint, Clove, and some herbs that are phototoxic are Bergamot, lemon, orange, other Curtis. Oils can be diluted with a base to prevent serious reactions on contact. Stand the candle in the centre of the dish and place the coins around the base of the candle so that the coins sorry the candle from falling over. Use as many coins required to stabilize the candle. Visualize the coins as the incoming money due to the results of the spell. I like to place objects of reference to my intention in the work space when doing spells which helps me to connect with the desired outcome of workings. Such as, for this spell, pyrite crystal, (aka false gold), assorted stones, such as Tiger eye and blood stone, and a crystal ball for focus. Connect yourself with this candle. This can be done with visualization, meditation, or whatever your practice. Take the bay leaf and crumble it evenly around the candle. Visualize the pieces as individual bills of cash coming in due to the spell. Add the pieces of bay leaf to the dish from all directions around the candle. During, visualize money coming in from different sources. Add the cloves spreading around the candle in a counter clockwise direction to remove obsticles, hense protecting the outcome of the money spell. Add the rosemary around the candle in a clockwise direction to increase the chances of positive outcomes from the money spell. The candle is now ready to be lit. Always be careful with fire. An incantation can be spoken to focus your intention for the candle. Speak your desires from the heart. Allow the candle to sit undisturbed while it burns and let it burn all the way down and through until the flame extinguishes itself. Ritual size candles should burn for about an hour or so, providing the flame is not disturbed by wind. Close any open windows or doors if needed. While the candle burns, I like to lit incense with associative properties. The incense stick I used in this spell was made from frankincense. I chose to use frankincense during this also to promote relaxation, feelings of peace, and overall well being. Rosemary would also suffice. Other forms of magick can be implemented into this spell, such as carving inscription into the candle, or creating a sigil to place the candle on. Never leave a burning candle by itself unsupervised!!! This spell should be setup close by so that it can be watched closely. Allow the candle to burn over time. As mentioned earlier, a ritual size candle will burn for about an hour or so. The melting wax will drip down into the coins and then hardern as it cools which secures the coins in place, symbolically securing your finances. It's ok if the herbs catch on fire which will add to the fragrances. This is one reason why a fire proof dish is so important to use. Always be careful around fire. The scent of peppermint and frankincense surrounds the candle encouraging intention of prosperity and we'll being for these workings. Alternative ideas to add to this spell are: Black salt can be added to the dish as a powerful boost of protection, Mixing dried basil with white sugar can create a money drawing powder, Sprinkling cinnamon powder over the candle can be grounding and adds further protection to the spellwork. This spell can also be done with a dish of water and a floating candle. The dish can also be placed around the home strategically, such as close to the main front door way to promote prosperity entering with you. When the candle is completely burned out, I will place the dish in front of a framed picture of myself accepting the spellworking's results. That is basically it. On another related topic, charging a fee for spells to do for others is not a regular occurrence for me. However, I have done spellwork for others, and yes -- I have been paid for my time when my own intentions do not match the intentions of my client. Otherwise, the spells that I charge for are when supplies are required to cover any costs associated, if any. Usually, when I'm asked if a can do spells for others, my first advise to them is always that spells work best when done yourself. No one can connect with your inner true intentions better than yourself. Always first seek assistance from perhaps a coven, or possibly law friends or family first. Very often I help many who ask me questions by simply explaining examples, providing information, or directing to some online sources of information, for the purpose for them to find what works best for themselves. Expenses may be necessary for the purchasing of supplies, ingredients, or whatever associations to be used in the workings that are not found around the home, or not wanting to learn to make from natural sources from the environment outside. As mentioned in a previous blog, all supplies needed to do witchcraft don't actually cost anything and can be acquired from outside in nature via water, sticks, leaves, herbs, stones, snow, dirt, etc. and that purchasing tools and supplies is not actually necessary in order to learn. Although tools and supplies can help us to connect with our intentions in workings, the best tools are homemade and the best ingredients are self grown/made. I'm always happy to help others along their own journey down a spiritual path such as witchcraft -- hence, this blog! Thank you for reading! If I can clarify further or if you have questions, please feel free to submit your comments and questions at www.askagreywitch.com or send email to greywitchbryan@gmail.com
- Manifestation example
Submitted question covered in this blog; "What is the biggest manifestation you've done as a witch?" This is an interesting question, as I'm not really sure of it's pure intention. It seems at first glance that this question was originally worded to legitimize spell work in general. However, I decided that I would still attempt to answer it. Magick is very much real and even if you don't believe that, it's existence through out history is hard to deny. To first clarify what is meant by spell work, I'm referring to a process of manifestation for a desired outcome to be materialized into reality. Manifestation generally refers to the belief that by intently focusing your thoughts, beliefs, and actions on a specific outcome, which that goal can be brought into reality. It's based on the physiological concept that your thoughts and energy have a powerful influence on your experiences. A central tenet of manifestation is the Law of Attraction. It's definition suggesting that we attract into our life what we put out into the universe. Positive thoughts and feelings are believed to attract positive outcomes. And, the same goes for negativity as well. Imagining and visualizing your desired outcome is a key component to manifestation and can be symbolized within ritualized spell work to strengthen that focus. Repeating positive affirming statements in incantation is thought to reprogram your subconscious mind. While thought and belief are important, many advocates of magick emphasize that taking inspired action is crucial for manifestation to occur. More about manifestation is available at: https://www.askagreywitch.com/manifestation As a witch, I have achieved manifestation through many of my own workings. The 'biggest' that I have accomplished in my perspective would really depend on the true meaning of "biggest". For example, biggest in size? Or, biggest outcome? Or, biggest impact? Or, biggest prosper? etc. In my opinion, the most impactful and prosperous manifestation that I've accomplished would be what i called my "castle spell". Also mentioned in this previous blog entry: https://www.askagreywitch.com/post/making-money-from-spellwork Making money from spellwork. Essentially, when I was younger i dreamed of living independently when I got older. I imagined living in and owning a large million dollar home (referred to as a castle to represent stability and structure and status) included with tall white pillars, placed on top of a large hill, certain features, with a large wild naturalized yard with wildflower gardens, surrounded by trees, and i even joked that I would one day maybe consider hiring my brother to work on my property, or mow my lawn, etc. (yes, it was kinda mean.... my brother and I did not get along well, as children he stole from me, we disagree and we fought a lot). As a teenager, I re-formulated this dream and desire into a poetic incantation and set a ritual to correspond my will with my words intertwining my intention for the future. An example of what I imagined Now adays i can't quite recall the exact spell and component of the workings or ritual since it was composed so long ago. Afterall, the most successful spells are the ones that are out out of sight, out of mind with confidence that the desire will be fulfilled. Several years later i did eventually purchase a large house on the top of a hill in a neighborhood named after the forest that surrounds it amongst its wild flower naturalized yard. My spouse called it, my castle, unknowing about my spell I did previously. Once they mentioned that, I was reminded of my castle spell when i was a youth and the desired parameters of it: The house does have tall white pillars (although not exactly how i imagined them), it is located at the top of a large hill, specific features mentioned with a large wild naturalized yard with wildflower gardens, surrounded by trees! However, a million dollar valued home does not look nearly the same today as it did over thirty years ago! I don't live in the extraordinary large mansion that I envisioned as a youth. However, my home does contain all of the features and details explained in the castle spell from a long time ago. Perhaps i should have been more specific. AND, the only time that my brother had ever visited me at this house was once when he helped me with some yardwork as we dug post holes in order to build a fence (i wasn't actually that far off from my premonition of hiring him to do yard work either!!!). The actual house that was manifested However, This house was not purchased for a million dollars. In the past ten years, certainly since the recent pandemic, the housing market has increased over 30% unexpectedly (at least, i didn't expect that) bringing my home closer to a one million dollar value evaluation based on the area where it's located and the size of property, etc. In my opinion, that's manifestation at its best! It is in hopes that this is described clearly and is helpful. If there are any questions, please feel free to submit them, or reach out to me at greywitchbryan@gmail.com or at www.askagreywitch.com Thank you for visiting my website and for reading the blog!
Other Pages (47)
- Search / find topic | Ask a Grey Witch
Search for your own topic of interest regarding magick and witchcraft in the AskaGreyWitch blog and website. AskaGreyWitch Responses to the questions Sharing my responses here as short blog entries may help those whom have similar questions. Please feel free to search for a topic that interests you. Submitted questions are always welcome!!! Submit your own questions See a list of the questions submitted About AskaGreyWitch To the homepage
- Rune Divination | Ask a Grey Witch:
Thank you to everyone who has submitted your questions to AskaGreyWitch.com! Together we can break misconceptions about Wiccans, witches and other magickal folk. Rune Divination An Ancient Oracle Just as Tarot Reading, Rune casting is not considered a form of fortune telling. But rather, a very old technique of oracle consultation. Each a charector, a letter, a magickal symbol, and can have altered meanings depending on how it lands or how it is pulled from a bag. My runes stones Runes can mark stones, sticks, chips, and any other divination tool that can be cast. They can also be drawn as magickal markings to hold intention and power, and even as an alphebet charector set. Uruz / Ur Strength, Animal, Sacrificial Equivalent to "u" Othila / Ethel Separation, Retreat, Property, Inheritance, native land, home Equivalent to "o" Ansuz / Os Signals, Higher Influence, Mouth, Divine Communication, God Loki Equivalent to "f" Gebo / Gyfu Partnership, Gift, Offerings, Generosity Equivalent to "x" Mannaz / Man Self, Person, People, Human Race Equivalent to "m" Algiz / Eolh-secg Protection, Defence, Sedge, Elk Equivalent to "z" Eihwaz / Eoh Defence, a Bow, Rune Magick, Avertive PowersEquivalent to "e (ei)" Inguz / Ing Fertility, a Legendary Hero, Ing, Spiritual Development Equivalent to "ng" Nauthiz / nyd Constraint, Need, Necessity, Cause of Sorrow, Lessons, Hardship Equivalent to "n" Perth / Peord Initiation, a Secret Matter, Mystery, Uncertainty. Equivalent to "p" Teiwaz / Tyr Warrior, Victory, Shooting Star, Arrow, God Tyr Equivalent to "t" Kano / Cen Opening, Touch, Ulcer, Skiff or Boat Equivalent to "k" Jera / Ger Harvest, Year, Fruitful, Success Equivalent to "j" Wunjo / Wyn Joy, Absence of suffering and sorrow, Happiness Equivalent to "w" Fehu / Feoh Possessions, Goods, Wreath, Currency, Cattle Equivalent to "f" Raido / Rad Journey, A Riding, Soul after death, Travel charm Equivalent to "r" Hagalaz / Haegl Disruption, Hail, Sleet, Damaging natural forces Equivalent to "h" Laguz / Lagu Flow, Water, Sea, a Fertile Source, Smooth Process Equivalent to "l" Ehwaz / Eoh Movement, the course of the Sun, Horse Equivalent to "e" Berkana / Beorc Growth, Rebirth, New Life, Birch Tree Equivalent to "b" Thurisaz / Thorn Gateway, Thorn, Demon, Giant, the God Thunor Equivalent to "th" Dagaz / Daeg Breakthrough, Day, Prosperity, Fruitfulness Equivalent to "d" Isa / Is Standstill, Ice, Freezing, Unable to move forward Equivalent to "i" Sowelu / Sigel Wholeness, The Sun, Healing, Power Equivalent to "s" Odin / Wuden The unknowable, Destiny, God Wuden, the Unknown
- Rituals and Spellwork | Ask a Grey Witch
Rituals and Spellwork The dictionary meaning of ritual is a religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order. If its something you do repetitively every day (or practically daily) then that's pretty much a ritual. Many of us have a morning coffee ritual of making that first cup of the day. Not all rituals are spiritual, or ceremonial in fact. It also can happen daily, weekly, annually, etc. In my view, if there is a repetitive structure it can be considered ritualistic in nature. I'm sure you may be able to think of other rituals that already take place in your life, whether it be morning/evening rituals, bedtime rituals, birthday rituals, hygienic rituals, romantic rituals, etc. Sooo, why magick rituals? One example of a magickal ritual, would be a self love ritual bath. If you think of your bathtub as a massive cauldron, surround with candles, add water and charge with intention using scented oils, herbs, or other ingredients while literally sitting within the spell itself. The focus can be cleansing, self love, healing and empowerment, Or, what ever intention for yourself. Rituals help us to ground with ourselves and connect with an intention. This is why I believe that spellwork is ritualized so successfully. After all, ...spellwork is powered by human intention! Spells generally have a ritual component to them for the reasons mentioned above. If desire is to manifest from raising energy within a spell, it has to invoke emotions and intentions to put forth that energetic force. The wording of an incantation encourages the energy trying to be raised by a witch (or group of witches). By repeating incantation of a spell witches can associate more with the intention and build upon it with each round. By rhyming incantation of a spell witches can then focus more on the raised intention and desire and less concentrating on the wording itself. It's also much easier to remember if repeating 3 or 9 or 13 times in rounds (depending on the spell) if it rhymes. The ingredients and what is done with those ingredients, or any actions beheld are all associations to represent a symbol for the intention of the spell being carried out. ... all symbols and associations of intention. Some examples of spells and magick: https://www.askagreywitch.com/blog/categories/spells Example of a ritual: https://www.askagreywitch.com/post/opening-closing-a-circle Introduction to Witchcraft Submit a question