Rituals and Spellwork
The dictionary meaning of ritual is a religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order.
If its something you do repetitively every day (or practically daily) then that's pretty much a ritual. Many of us have a morning coffee ritual of making that first cup of the day. Not all rituals are spiritual, or ceremonial in fact. It also can happen daily, weekly, annually, etc.
In my view, if there is a repetitive structure it can be considered ritualistic in nature. I'm sure you may be able to think of other rituals that already take place in your life, whether it be morning/evening rituals, bedtime rituals, birthday rituals, hygienic rituals, romantic rituals, etc.
Sooo, why magick rituals?
One example of a magickal ritual, would be a self love ritual bath. If you think of your bathtub as a massive cauldron, surround with candles, add water and charge with intention using scented oils, herbs, or other ingredients while literally sitting within the spell itself. The focus can be cleansing, self love, healing and empowerment, Or, what ever intention for yourself.
Rituals help us to ground with ourselves and connect with an intention. This is why I believe that spellwork is ritualized so successfully.
After all, ...spellwork is powered by human intention!
Spells generally have a ritual component to them for the reasons mentioned above. If desire is to manifest from raising energy within a spell, it has to invoke emotions and intentions to put forth that energetic force. The wording of an incantation encourages the energy trying to be raised by a witch (or group of witches).
By repeating incantation of a spell witches can associate more with the intention and build upon it with each round. By rhyming incantation of a spell witches can then focus more on the raised intention and desire and less concentrating on the wording itself. It's also much easier to remember if repeating 3 or 9 or 13 times in rounds (depending on the spell) if it rhymes.
The ingredients and what is done with those ingredients, or any actions beheld are all associations to represent a symbol for the intention of the spell being carried out.
... all symbols and associations of intention.
Some examples of spells and magick:
Example of a ritual: