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Register (for free) to join the Astral Sacred Meadow Circle Virtual Gatherings

Thank you for your interest. After submitting your information you are automatically registered.  An invitation email will be sent out before the next meeting date which will include a join link that can be clicked on at the start time of the scheduled meeting.  Virtual gatherings start at 8 PM ET until about 9 PM ET on Wednesdays


Check the Upcoming events section for dates.


Click Here for more information about the Sacred Meadow Circle.


Once registered, please check your spam/junk folders for messages from: 'Sacred Meadow Circle | Ask a Grey Witch'

Or from ''.

Registration helps to prevent scammers or other insincere entry into the virtual gatherings.  These meetings are not recorded.  However, please be prepared that other meeting participants as well as myself will be able to see you when your camera is on. And so, I just ask for consideration to your surroundings that may be visible within your camera's view range.



Please check your SPAM or email inbox for confirmation.

Invitation links are sent separately before gathering dates.

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