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Discarding old spells

Writer's picture: Bryan StaffordBryan Stafford

The submitted question covered in this blog:

"How do you discard old used up spells that are finished?"

Thank you so much for this very much appreciated question. This is a topic that can be controversial depending on beliefs and traditions.

Personally, for me it depends on the specific spell. I often do compound spell work whereas i use the remnants of a spell in other similar spells over and over until nothing is left. For example, i may take what's left from a petition spell and burn it with the similar intention written. And then, afterwards collect the ashes and use again in another spell continuing the focus on the original intention further.

There are also spells that i personally keep, such as protection or wards, etc. And, certain spells that i would cleanse, recharge and repurpose, such as some specific sigil work, or use of poppets, etc Depending on the intention of a specific spell, the remnants of that working may be handy for further spell workings, as mentioned in this previous blog entry: Self made tools within my craft. Even with spell jars, depending on what the spell means for you, you may feel comfortable breaking the seals ending the jars' influences, removing and cleansing the contents and jar afterwards to use again for another intention.

This is just one opinion, and there are many other opinions of others that vary. Some practitioners feel that a spell that has ran it's course should be disposed of to return the energies from which they came. It can create a transition and acceptance to the end of the spell being finalized through the intention of a symbolic action. That symbolic gesture sometimes resembles a passing of similar to death, which is why some practitioners bury spells in the ground as if grounding the energies in the earth. It may represent a letting go by watching the spell be taken away by the current of a stream or river if the remnants of the spell floats. Whether burying it or allowing nature to take it away, there is also the chance of discovery to consider. For example, while the intension may be to leave a spell jar undisturbed, there may be a chance that it could be unearthed, or discovered at some point in time whether it be due to natural events or processes such as erosion from water or wind, as tree grow buried items can be dislodged from roots penetrating the soil, or perhaps from landscaping or construction, even animals may dig it up, etc. Is it something you would want found?

This previous blog entry briefly discusses the creation and burial of a witches bottle:

Of course, if you are planning to discard anything into nature, please be sure that the spell remnants are all natural and biodegradable so not to have harm come from your workings, such as contamination or disruption to the natural decomposition process of soil in the location. For example, spreading certain kinds of ashes can increase the ph levels of the surrounding dirt which can harm many plants that require more acidic soil in order to survive.

It may even seem appropriate for some practitioners in their traditions to consider offering their spell workings to aspects of spirit, a passed loved one or ancestor, a deity, or the Fae, etc. as mentioned in this previous blog entry:

Also, it should be mentioned that not everyone has the luxury of owning property or living close to a discrete and secure place to bury their finished spell workings. If flushing it down a toilet or throwing it in the garbage afterwards feels satisfactory, than so shall it be. Each practice can be different from each other's. It is all about intention and empowering our free will after all.

This being said, I'd say to trust your instincts and follow your intuition. Do with your spell work remnants as what is environmentally friendly and feels right to you personally.

What is your opinion? Please feel free to submit your own questions at Thank you for visiting my website and for reading my blog!

Blessed be.


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