Submitted question covered in this blog:
"Since my family are Christians, should I myself not be doing witchcraft?"
This question actually comes up often within some online communities that I am involved with, which makes this question even more appriciated - thank you for submitting it.
Witchcraft is mainly an expression of intention and desire in order to manifest it, as mentioned in this previous blog entry about how I myself became a witch:
...and there are also details of the differences between Witchcraft and Wicca mentioned in this earlier previous blog entry:
My advice to beginners whom may not be "out-of-the-broom-closet" yet is to not give up on your own fundamental beliefs. Trust your instincts and follow your intuition.
Find ways of continuing your practice descretely. Like your "book of shadows" can pass as a personal diary that you write in occasionally.

You don't need to be a witch to weep a floor or lite incense or candles. Gather spell ingredients outside and do spell work where you can be alone and undisturbed, like a forested area (i know, can be easier said than done depending on if you live in a city, etc.) If you do not plan to tell anyone that you a witch, you can still build a practice that is meaningful to you.
It may be comforting to know that many ancient pagan traditions long ago were adapted into other traditions as a way of converting the people. What people often don't realize is that they practice pagan traditions of witchcraft without even knowing it!
For examples: Cursing the driver in the car next to your car with hand gestures and phrases (can apply negativity just like a baneful spell), or Picking of the petals of a daisy flower saying, "love me, love me not" for each petal until the final petal reveals which (one of the oldest love spells known), or Making a wish and blowing out a candle on your birthday after a happy chant (when does it not actually sound like chanting when most people sing happy birthday together lol)
That being said, the craft can actually be practiced within any beliefs or cultures. Although, the religion of Wicca does include witchcraft in its rituals and practices, obviously not all do. In fact, even though other religions, like Christianity for example, may frown on the idea of the use of witchcraft within their traditions and customs, there are however many MANY similarities within the separate religions.
Some examples of similarities between Wiccans and Christians are:
Blessed witch's water is made by adding salt with intention - same as Catholic holy water.
A Witch's ladder is a charm used to count and track repetitive chants - in the same way as a Christian rosary helps track repetitive prayer.
Witches ring bells, use incense and lite candles with intention - as well as Catholics for ceremony.
Not to mention the many other customs and holidays that overlap. Such as:
...and I'm sure there's more!
It's my personal opinion that to mark discussion occasions with ritual, ceremony and celebration is a part of human nature within us all whether spiritual, religious, or otherwise.
In my own life as a child growing up, my mother was the one who taught me the basics of witchcraft, about setting up an alter, deity worship, the rule of three, premonitions, kitchen magick, and some very simple spell work, even though she was a devoted Christian. The Immaculate Mother Mary was the deity that my mother worshiped, amongst Jesus and the disciples, angels, etc. Her "spell work" was done in the form of prayer and affirmation and synchronization. Even though she never identified as a witch, I strongly believe that my mother was what's known as a Catholic Witch.

Although, i did not follow in her Christian footsteps. I followed a path of a secular Witch and studied a Seax Wiccan tradition myself. I pay much respect to my mother as a powerful influence and inspiration to me and on my practice years after she had passed on from this life, she still assists and guides me today.
Along my journey I have since met and conversed with many Catholic Witches with different individual practices and traditions that are personally meaningful to each.
There's no wrong way to express your spirituality. I now consider myself a Humanist-Wiccan. Each should set up their own practice that is truly meaningful and resonating with your own true beliefs.
Trust your instincts, and follow your intuition.
UPDATED: this much more recent blog entry more describes my practices as a Humanist Wiccan: