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Questions about Withcraft - Ask a Grey Witch
About this website:

Thoughts. Experiences. Inspiration.

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I’m so glad you’ve come!


Grey:  An ill-defined topic, situation or area of activity not readily conforming to a category or set of rules.​


Grey Witch: Working within the "Grey Areas" of Witchcraft and finding balance within the spectrum of energies.

​ is where I share with you what interests me most as a Humanist Wiccan, my personal practice! I hope to spark excitement so that you can nurture your own passions and projects. For years, I have served as a useful source of motivation, assistance or advice. I finally decided to own that role and be more intentional about it. I started Ask a Grey Witch: with a mission to give others a taste of my thoughts and experiences by answering submitted questions. What started as occasional posts has evolved into a rich site filled with a variety of information about various topics that are near and dear to my being. Take some time to explore the blogs and find what sparks your interest. Submitted questions are very much appreciated!  

The main focus of this website has become to serve as a support platform for the Astral Sacred Meadow Circle. More about that can be found at: As a Wiccan male and practitioner of energy work and manifestation, I share my perspective and experience in a way that I hope makes sense and is helpful to others. I want to be clear that what I say is not what goes. I'm not trying to say that what I think is the only way... each and every one of us has our own way of thinking and individual beliefs, traditions, etc.  Quite often I find myself offering guidance, answering questions, providing information and giving advice to other practitioners of magick finding their own way.  


This website is maintained as a safe place where perspectives are shared, ideas can be explored, and submitted questions can be answered honestly without inquirers made to feel centre staged, or stereotyped, or discriminated against, etc.  like what can happen in online communities or on social media these days.


Lots about workings and experiences can be shared by simply answering submitted questions in a short blog style format.  By doing so, together we may be able to help break some of the misconceptions that still exist out there about modern witches, wiccans, or other interesting folk. 

The blog appears in the order that the questions were asked. Therefore, the newer more recent posts are found at the top of the blog entry list and the older blog entries can be found below in the list with the oldest/first entry at the bottom. There is a search option if that helps to narrow down the subject of the blog that you are interested in reading about.

It is my hope that by sharing some knowledge of my own perspectives in this way that it's convenient and helpful to others determining what's best for themselves and will allow me to divide my time more evenly for those requesting mentorship. Enjoy your visit and the information that is shared about beliefs, experiences, and manifestation. All of the blog entries are written to answer a submitted question in a short, yet informative post (the blog entries have an average reading time of around five minutes. The videos have an average length of about 6 minutes). 


We all need something to motivate us. Take a look around; perhaps you’ll be motivated to discover what exhilarates and fits best for you.  After all, the more personally satisfying workings feel to the practitioner, the more likely manifestations will materialize into reality.

​ does not currently produce it's own income.  There are however costs associated with maintaining a website. And so, the hosting service and domain registration associated has been mostly paid for by my profession as an intuitive reader.  Therefore, this website is made possible thanks to Stafford Tarot, Intuitive Readings. 


At the request of a couple of website visitors, I have decided to add additional pages that will focus on workings advice and witchcraft related information. This is where I can share examples of some of the suggestions and recommendations for certain topics such as cleansings, protections, self empowerment, and other 'high magick' or non baneful topics at

Please feel free to share any concerns, suggestions, or comments that you may have as I always appreciate feedback.

Thank you for visiting my website!  


The blog can be accessed at:


The videos used in some of the blogs are stored at: 


Check out the Facebook page at:


Please feel free to read more in the blog entry about me at:

Or about why I originally started this blog and website at:







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The messages within await!  Drawn to the path of a light worker.  I am an empathic male and an intuitive pagan with many years experience with metaphysical workings, including tarot

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